This website, The Work Room Career Resource Centres, PACE and Job Fest are the result of a partnership between the Anglophone South School District and the Department of Post Secondary Education, Training and Labour (Employment and Continuous Learning Services) Southwest Region. These initiatives are funded by the Government of Canada and the Province of New Brunswick through the Canada-New Brunswick Labour Market Agreements.

The Work Room Career Resource Centres can provide you with FREE access to many career planning and job search resources. Need a résumé developed?  We do that too! Click the icon to find out more.
Stuck in a job you don't like? Graduating soon and you don't have a career plan?  Don't worry, you can get help by following this step-by-step plan. Check out the site, and get started right away!
You need professional marketing tools and an effective job search strategy to land the job that's right for you. Everything you need to get a competitive edge is waiting for you behind the toolbox icon!
Labour Market Research. What companies operate in New Brunswick? What jobs are available? What skills will I need? Who can I contact for more info? Important stuff for your career planning and job search.
Fast Track. If you need specific career-related information and you want it FAST, select this icon and check out the resource listings. You can even grab and go by storing resources on your smart phone.
Do you need money to finance your post secondary education?  Check out the scholarships, bursaries, training grants and student loans available to help you make your training goals a reality.
Are you still having trouble finding what you need? Try clicking on the button in the top right hand corner of the screen.  You can chat live with a representative or leave an email.
The Work Rooms are busy centres!  Check out the workshops, special guest speakers and events to help you in your career and job search.  As always...they're FREE!