Is a career in Natural Resources & Agriculture a good fit for me?
A career in Natural Resources, Agriculture or Related Industries will appeal to those who care about the natural world around them. There are a variety of important occupations that attract a diverse group of people. Managing the resources we have is a great responsibility and requires caring, hard-working, and innovative members of the industries. Natural resources workers can sometimes be part of a team but often must work alone and in some cases alone in a wilderness setting. A rapport with nature is a strength. The ability to adapt to changing conditions and make use of what is around you is also a key skill. People who go into the natural resources field often have a previous love of nature. Many careers in this industry can be physically demanding, and in many cases seasonal in nature. Salaries in this industry vary, with higher salaries seen in Forestry, Mining, and Oil and Gas sectors. Not many natural resource jobs are centered in urban areas, so a rural life is required in some instances.
Still unsure?

Resources for Careers in Natural Resources, Agriculture & Related Production
For detailed Labour Market Information on Natural Resources, Agriculture & Related Production positions, including all job titles in this category:
Province of New Brunswicks Occupational Profiles
For a complete Profile of the Natural Resources Sector in New Brunswick:
For information on getting started in the Natural Resources field
Associations/ Organizations
Atlantica Centre for Energy
Forest NB
Agricultural Alliance of N.B.
Atlantic Canadian Organic Regional Network
Atlantic Agricultural Leadership Program
Canadian Federation of Agriculture
Atlantic Salmon Federation
N.B. Federation of Naturalists
N.B. Horticultural Trades Association
Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers
What Skills Do I Need?
A review of job advertisements across New Brunswick for Natural Resources, Agriculture and Related Production positions revealed that employers are consistently asking for the following Essential Skills:
- Thinking- Almost every job posting required critical thinking. Specific items mentioned include: problem solving, decision making, and job task planning/ organization.
- Oral Communication- Strong communication skills was another requirement for almost every single advertised position. Managers are required to be persuasive and negotiate, and to be effective listeners. Many postings also indicated that presentations and public speaking would be required.
- Working with Others- Working as part of a team was again a requirement for almost every single posted position in this industry.
Other Essential Skills that were requested, but less frequently than those listed above were:
- Computer Use- About half of employers mentioned a requirement for strong computer skills. Microsoft Office was frequently mentioned, along with the ability to learn organization specific software.
- Numeracy- The use of numbers was most frequently mentioned in relation to managing budgets.
- Writing- Employers also mentioned the ability to write, specific duty requiring this ability was for preparing papers and reports.
Other skills most frequently included by employers were:
- Strong interpersonal (people) skills
- Willing to work flexible hours, especially during specific seasons was frequently required
- Ability to perform repetitive tasks
- Physical ability- Standing for extended periods, manual dexterity, and hand-eye co-ordination

Landing a Job in Natural Resources, Agriculture
& Related Production
To secure a position in Natural Resources, Agriculture & Related Production you will need to highlight the skills that employers are looking for from their employees. The previous section on skills will help you recognize the most sought after skills. If there are areas you feel you need to work on, it would be a good idea to practice.
For detailed information on how to conduct an effective job search, visit the job search section of our website by clicking here
In order to prepare for an interview in Natural Resources, Agriculture & Related Production it would be a great idea to think of a time when you have demonstrated each of the skills listed above. Here are some additional interview questions to help you prepare:
- Why did you choose a career in this field?
- What are 3 potential safety hazards you might find in this position and how would you deal with it?
- Tell me a suggestion you have made that was implemented in this field?
- What was the most important task you ever had?
- Tell me about your proudest achievement.
- How did you react when faced with constant time pressure?
- Describe a situation in which you had to collect information.
- How do you decide what gets top priority when scheduling your time?
How Do I Get There?
Natural Resources, Agriculture and Related Production encompasses a broad spectrum and can require a multitude of skills. There would be a wide range of educational backgrounds from university and college educations to working directly out of high school. Some fields require very specific training that may only be available in certain places, or on the job. A willingness to relocate for training may be required for some careers. Here are some options that could lead you to a career in this field:
New Brunswick Community College (NBCC):
- Agricultural Equipment Repair
- Mechanical Engineering Technology
- Industrial Control Technology
Maritime College of Forest Technology:
- Forest and Fish & Wildlife Technology
Holland College (located in PEI)
- Small Vessel Operator Proficiency (SVOP)
University of New Brunswick (Fredericton)
Université de Moncton
Dalhousie University (Nova Scotia)
Natural Resources, Agriculture & Related Production
This category contains supervisory and equipment operation occupations in the natural resource-based sectors of mining, oil and gas production, forestry and logging, agriculture, horticulture and fishing.
When conducting labour market research in areas where occupations are defined by a 5 digit NOC (National Occupational Classification) code, the first digit of the code for all Natural Resources, Agriculture & Related occupations is 8.
Would you like to play a role in protecting or using our Natural Resources to their fullest potential?